Wednesday, February 19, 2014

To Install GLUT in Fedora-20



1)  su -

enter your Administrator password

2)   [root@localhost ~]# yum list freeglut*

it shows list of freegluts

3)  [root@localhost ~]# yum install freeglut-devel.i686

4) [root@localhost ~]# yum install mesa-libEGL.i686
[root@localhost ~]# yum install mesa-libGL.i686

5)[root@localhost ~]# updatedb

6) [root@localhost ~]#exit

Thats all

Vinayak Bhat

HowTo: Install Java Plugins in Google Chrome / Firefox in Fedora 18/20

Step 1:
download Linux x64 RPM in

Step 2:
open terminal and type the following
su -
cd /home/**username**/Downloads (replace **username** with yours)
rpm -ivh jre-7u11-linux-x64.rpm
you will see some few errors but its ok

Step 3:

copy the path of the file
Step 4a: (Firefox Users)
cd /home/user/.mozilla/plugins (replace user with your username)
ln -s path/of/
Step 4b: (Chrome Users)
cd /opt/google/chrome/
mkdir plugins
cd plugins
ln -s path/of/
Step 5:
close and run your browser. visit other java websites to check your java installation. My java installation wont work in java's website. the circle loading thingy just wont stop loading.